Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ruby Archuleta and Amarante Cordova Define Community...

Ruby Archuleta and Amarante Cordova Define Community Community is defined as a group a people living in an area under the same conditions. Realistically, a community is so much more than this definition. It is people and their different beliefs that form a community. In the town of Milagro, Amarante Cordova, Ruby Archuleta, and a town coming together to rescue a fellow community member from jail exemplify the true spirit of what community is. Ruby Archuleta makes the biggest difference in bringing the community together. Ruby is the only member of the community to take intuitive and start fighting for the rights of the Milagro citizens. While everyone is waiting around to see what will happen, Ruby gets to work. She†¦show more content†¦Ruby knows the people are reluctant to sign it, but this does not stop her. During a four day rain storm, where the whole town is shut down, she goes out and tries to get people to sign the petition. The conditions are so treacherous that her truck gets stuck in the mud. She is so determined to get people to sign the petition that she then rides her horse until it almost dies from exhaustion. If it were not for Ruby Archuleta’s determination to the community the Milagro citizens would not have overcome Ladd Devine’s Miracle Valley Land and Water Project. Amarante Cordova is one of the oldest people in Milagro, but age does not always carry wisdom; it comes with experience. Amarante has experienced a lot living in Milagro all of his life. He knows that the bean field is one of the best things ever to occur in Milagro. He is sure of one thing, that he is there to protect the field and it is his god give right to protect the field. Milagro is the only thing that matters to Cordova. The community is everything, there is nothing going on outside of the mountains. Milagro is the one thing that matters. Cordova is a very influential part of the community, but he is too old to make a difference in the growth of Milagro. Towards the ending there is a very powerful scene were the whole town comes and meets in front of the police station. The energy is overwhelming and captivating. While Joe Mondgragon is held captive in side the police station,

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